
A website for the backyard chicken keeper.


A work in progress. This is a website for the backyard chicken keeper including a simple app to help backyard chicken keepers to calculate how much it cost to produce each egg.

For a video of it running, go here.

The user can keep a record for of there hens making it easy for them to remember which is which, how old they are, egg laying status and any notes.

The user can calculate how much it costs to produce each egg. They enter some details about what they feed their chickens and what they use for bedding along with a few other inputs. The result is a summary of the average cost to produce each egg, keep each hen and a breakdown by cost to feed and house the little dinosaurs.


Other features include: a new pun on each re-load of the homepage, a recipe page with links to recipes that are heavy on the egg.

Still to be completed are: making the calculation form more dynamic, a cost tracker for the user to track the actual costs of their inputs to create a live rolling average cost to produce their eggs, a web scrapper to have up-to-date supermarket pricing.

Starting with create-react-app, this project keeps it simple with Tailwind for CSS. The goal for this project was to practice Tailwind, forms, input validation.

An additional aim is to get this app deployed using Heroku.

Visit the GitHub repository to view the code.

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