Theme light

Creating a new template to use with CloudCannon CMS using Hugo.


This was a project I did while on my internship at CloudCannon. 

After talking to the marketing team to figure out what sort of template to create, a template with good reusability, versatility, and filling a gap in the current CloudCannon template library, I decided on a small business template without too many excess pages. From the Them Fisher template the ThemeLight template was selected for conversion.

This involved converting the template to Hugo, separating the HTML into components in CloudCannon’s Bookshop and then creating an editing experience. Once the code was written the idea is that an editor can jump into CloudCannon and switch out the colours and components without needing to touch any code or create work for developers.

See a live version here and the repo here.

There are still a few things to perfect in this template. The next steps after the completion of the template was to create a video showing the creation of a completely different website from this template.

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Broko Bean Cafe